Blotanical is the place to be if you have a gardening blog (and even if you’re no a blogger).It will definitely increase readers of your blog. It is a directory of gardening blogs with a difference that makes it stand out above the rest. It was founded by Stuart Robinson whose own blog Gardening Tips 'n Ideas originates from Western Australia.
Other members of Blotanical has the opportunity to pick (rating system) your blog. You also have the opportunity to rate blogs of all the other members. It is a great community of like minded people with a passion for gardening. The members of Blotanical is very friendly and always willing to help. You will definitely not regret joining this community. I know I’m glad I joined.
You also have the opportunity to communicate with other members, build friendships, share ideas, etc. And as they say ‘You are never too old to learn’, I have found some very useful information in blogs of other members of Blotanical.
When you join, you will receive your own little plot on Botanical to which you can link your blog, display your interests and info about yourself. The best part is this piece of cyber ‘land’ is free.
First thing every day I start my day by visiting my fellow Blotanist’s, reading about and sharing in their trials and tribulations. Don’t know what I would do without them. They are part of my family now.
What have you got to loose, come and visit our community, and see for yourself.
Visit Blotanical and be amazed.